#1. What is the command sequence to INSERT SMARTART into a PRESENTATION?
#2. What is a CUSTOM SLIDE SHOW?
#3. How would a POWERPOINT PRESENTATION be viewed by a computer that does not have POWERPOINT?
#4. What is a TABLE?
#5. When applying ANIMATION to an OBJECT, SOUNDS may be applied to the PRESENTATION. To apply a sound to an ANIMATION, the following procedure is essential.
#6. In POWERPOINT one cannot insert a VIDEO or an AUDIO in PRESENTATION SLIDES.
#7. During PRESENTATION SLIDE SHOW, you can turn the CURSOR arrow into a LASER pointer.
#8. You are CREATING a new PRESENTATION. BULLETS are present on the SLIDE. You want to change the SIZE of the BULLETS to 25% of the SLIDE text. How will you accomplish this task?
#9. How do you open the HEADER and FOOTER dialog box?
#10. The command sequence to ADD a NEW SECTION is by clicking INSERT ribbon => Section => Add Section.
#11. HYPERLINKS are often used in a PRESENTATION. What would you use a HYPERLINK for?
#12. You have been asked to INSERT a TABLE into a SLIDE within your PRESENTATION. The following steps must be taken to do so.
#13. A CHART needs to be placed into a SLIDE. How will this CHART ENHANCE the PRESENTATION?
#14. A SLIDE MASTER controls the appearance of all SLIDES within a PRESENTATION that have been based off it.
#15. Why use ‘ANIMATION’ in a POWERPOINT Presentation?
#16. How do you EDIT a COMMENT?
#17. What is the PROCESS to DELETE a single SHAPE from a SMARTART graphic?
#18. What is a TRANSITION?
#19. How do you MOVE SLIDES between multiple SECTIONS?
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- Microsoft PowerPoint (Level 2)
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