#1. What is the command sequence to VIEW the PROPERTIES of an open document?
#2. Which RIBBON contains commands to CREATE and MANAGE forms?
#4. How do you REPLY to a COMMENT?
#5. Which keyboard shortcut CENTERS selected text?
#6. The best way to create a HEADING in a WORD document is to?
#7. If the TRACK CHANGES command on the REVIEW tab is shaded in, what does that mean?
#8. A CAPTION allows you to add text descriptors to visual elements in a document, such as pictures or charts.
#9. Citation is crediting a source of information by citing the book, article, or other material it comes from.
#10. Which RIBBON do you find the HYPERLINK command in MICROSOFT WORD?
#11. Which TOOLS can be ACCESSED by clicking REVIEW => COMPARE?
#12. How to INSERT a BLANK PAGE?
#13. In order to SAVE an EXISTING document with a DIFFERENT NAME you need to?
#14. How do you OPEN the BOOKMARK dialog box?
#15. Once you have DELETED TEXT, you can’t get it back.
#16. What feature in MICROSOFT WORD helps you correct splling errors as you type?
#17. How do you edit a HYPERLINK?
#18. What is the correct way to INSERT a TABLE OF CONTENTS?
#19. What is the shortcut to INSERT a HYPERLINK?
#20. What is a COMMENT?
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Thank you for completing the NextGen Online Computer Assessment. You have unfortunately not reached the pass mark of 70% for this level.
This should not be seen as a negative, but rather as a reminder of some of the functionality which Microsoft Word offers. Learning more about Microsoft Word can help you in your day to day environment.
We see this as a positive message, as this indicates that you may potentially benefit from attending the following training to remind you of, or make you aware of what you can do with Microsoft Word:
- Microsoft Word (Level 3)
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